New Game: Nothing

Hey guys,

Sorry I havent been very active in this thread the last day or so, things have gotten busy. I’m not sure I fully understand how the game picker is meant to work. I see when I load up the game that each blink has different colors now, as well as the “dead state” animation, but I don’t quite understand how it’s meant to translate into game numbers. I almost feel like this would make a good cameo for the dice widget (roll 3 blinks, play that game number in the rule book?).

Anyway I recorded a play test after I got up this morning (still not quite 6 a.m. here). The first blink I used is @TheGoodSire’s base 1.8 code, the second is the code @Confus3d shared in his most recent post. If there’s something I needed to test that I missed let me know!

@jrcwest i think this is my fault for not making the instructions clear, but as soon as you see the color changing speed up, let go of the blink long press. It looks like the blinks are accidentally getting set to teach mode because the duration of the press is too long. The game selector was actually never even really activated in the video. Once it is correctly activated it should make much more sense! Thanks again and sorry for the confusion!

Hang on let me try that again, I missed the detail about the long press. One sec.

I had considered making the game selection feature a cameo for Widgets, but there really isn’t a great way to use the existing Widgets to randomly select a number between 1 and 18. Be sure to reference the new game descriptions which now have a color/number identifer!

Alright, tried again now that I understood how it was meant to work. This is using @Confus3d’s latest changes. Makes a lot more sense to me now:

@jrcwest I really appreciate the help! Thanks again! I think it didn’t help that I also introduced a random color start in the latest code version for the nothing blinks so I can see how it was easy to mistake that for the game selector. I’m thinking that the initial animation for the game selector should really probably be something very different from the normal blink animation so that it is super clear that it has been triggered. Does it look like the game selector is hitting all (3) colors and (6) numbers?

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Is working!

For me is clear the 3 colors and 6 faces for selector but maybe is better a faster animation? NextS.set(1)? hue=hue+5 (5 times faster)? Other colors? I’m thinking on RGB, Red, Green, Blue (pure colors and not a mix)

And definitely the initial random colors are so much better for new game mechanics!

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I went ahead and took the hue=hue+5 route as a starting point to see if that makes the selection state easier to identify. I actually think that the 5x speed increase should do the trick! Thanks for the suggestion Francisco!

Wow, loks like the code was modified by the forum!!

Try to copy paste it and them choose </> Preformated text

Here is already with the hue=hue+5;

#define COF setColorOnFace
int DI = 10000; int DS = 500; Timer deathT; Timer switchT; Timer nextS;
enum bS {ALIVE, DEAD, SELECT}; byte bS = DEAD; Color selectColors [] = {BLUE, RED, YELLOW};
byte hue = 0; byte dead = 0; byte numN = 0; byte pastN = 0; byte index = 0; byte dice = 0;
void setup() {deathT.set(DS*2); randomize(); hue = random(255);}
void loop() {setValueSentOnAllFaces(bS); numN = 0; FOREACH_FACE(f) {if (!isValueReceivedOnFaceExpired(f)) numN++;}
  if (buttonLongPressed()) {deathT.set(DI); switchT.set(DS*5); index = random(2); dice = random(5); bS = SELECT;} 
  if (bS == ALIVE) { setColor(makeColorHSB(hue,255,255));
    if (buttonPressed() || pastN != numN) {deathT.set(DI); bS = DEAD;}
    if (nextS.isExpired()) {hue++; nextS.set((random(6)+1)*10);}}
  if (bS == DEAD) { setColor(makeColorHSB(hue,255,255)); COF(WHITE, dead); COF(WHITE, dead+2); COF(WHITE, dead+4);
    if (deathT.isExpired()) {pastN = numN; bS = ALIVE;}
    if (switchT.isExpired()) {switchT.set(DS); dead = (dead + 1) % 2;}}
  if (bS == SELECT) { setColor(makeColorHSB(hue,255,255)); if (nextS.isExpired()) {hue = hue+5; nextS.set(3);}
    if (deathT.isExpired()) {pastN = numN; bS = ALIVE;}
    if (switchT.isExpired()) {setColor(selectColors[index]); 
      switch (dice) {  case 0: COF(OFF, 0); case 1: COF(OFF, 1); case 2: COF(OFF, 2);
                       case 3: COF(OFF, 3); case 4: COF(OFF, 4); break;}}}}
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@Confus3d So that’s how you’ve been doing it! haha I’ve been wondering how to do that for a while now. Thanks for the tip!

Hey @TheGoodSire in v1.9, hue+5, I think is hue=hue+5 :stuck_out_tongue:

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@Confus3d Good catch! Don’t know how I missed that! Thanks!!

EDIT - It should be fixed now!

I finally took a shot at making some cover art for the game. Most of the time my artwork involves stick figures, so just keep that in mind when offering criticism. :wink: In all seriousness though, I’d definitely appreciate some feed back if anyone has any ideas, or suggestions for improvements!

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Looks good like a good start! Something to keep in mind though, if this does get published, the sticker is going to be tiny. That “Nothing” text in the bottom right corner might end up being almost illegible!

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@jrcwest Now that you mention it, I can definitely see how the Nothing text wouldn’t be legible when scaled down to blink size. Thanks for pointing that out! I just had a random re-theming idea that might eliminate the need for text at all. I could call the game “Don’t Blink”, remove the text and then just use the No symbol as a kind of logo for the game. I think the new name would actually suit the game better since the mechanics mostly center around things that you can’t do: Don’t press the blink or it dies, don’t connect the blink or it dies, don’t disconnect the blink or it dies, etc.

Another idea for theming that I had was to go Hollywood/Actor themed to play off the idea of the cameos that I use to modify existing blinks games. Each game could be a “movie” and players could be competing to win an Oscar or something like that. The game could be called Hollywood, A-List, Blockbuster, Movie Madness, or something like that.

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“Don’t Blink” isn’t a bad name either, you could make the label art very minimal and it would be pretty cool :slight_smile: . Since you’re kicking around other names, I’ll spitball some ideas to you as well - I had sort of been seeing Nothing as an alarm system in some way. You could play around with names and themes like “Tripwire” or “Booby Trap” in some ways as well and it might be a decent fit.

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@jrcwest Thanks for the additional ideas! I think there is a lot of potential in an alarm theme as well, and I like the name Tripwire a lot! I’ll definitely play around with some of these different ideas and see what I can come up with.

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@jrcwest I had some fun playing around with game art ideas for a potential “Tripwire” game theme pivot. Here is the one that I liked the best! Thanks again for the idea, and let me know what you think!

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Looks good! Nice job on the holographic style coloring! Out of curiosity, if you didn’t have the holographic label, what colors would you use? I feel like you could do something here with a black, white, and red color scheme

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@jrcwest While I’m definitely partial to the rainbow style label (Doesn’t necessarily have to be holographic, but I do think that would look pretty sharp), I made a quick mock-up of a red, white, and black color scheme and it also looks pretty good in my opinion. It makes for a pretty simple / clean design which I really like, so great suggestion! I had also played with a less blended rainbow color scheme which I’ll also attach for reference.

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