Arduino-cli core install fails due to bad size in boardsmanager json

Howdy all. Trying to use arduino-cli in GitHub actions, but the size in the boardsmanager json doesn’t match the download, so it fails.

arduino-cli core update-index --additional-urls
arduino-cli core install arduino:avr
arduino-cli core install move38:avr --additional-urls

Feedback from arduino-cli:

Error during install: installing platform move38:avr@1.2.0: testing local archive integrity: testing archive size: fetched archive size differs from size specified in index

Full file:

Content of JSON on boardsmanager:

  "packages": [
	  "name": "move38",
	  "maintainer": "",
	  "websiteURL": "",
	  "email": "",

      "help": {
        "online": ""
      "platforms": [
          "name": "Blinks by",
          "architecture": "avr",
          "version": "1.2.0",
          "category": "Contributed",
          "help": {
            "online": ""
          "url": "",
          "archiveFileName": "",
          "checksum": "SHA-256:EE61F574C3E3501D749A251D3004F0C78E2CCC9AEEB88C3A23EE173D69838201",
          "size": "1334106",
          "boards": [
            {"name": "Blinks by"}
          "toolsDependencies": [
              "packager": "arduino",
              "name": "avr-gcc",
              "version": "7.3.0-atmel3.6.1-arduino5"
              "packager": "arduino",
              "name": "avrdude",
              "version": "6.3.0-arduino17"

Move38 needs to fix checksum / size for arduino-cli to work. A potential work around could be for someone to self-host a json with the correct information.

The size is definitely wrong. The JSON says 1334106 but the actual size is 1332527. The checksum is correct though.

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Actually, you can do that yourself: Download the JSON, fix it, upload to your repository and point arduino-cli to it.

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I ended up pointing to your custom lib, and it worked. :slight_smile: I will probably try that work around, too. Just thought Move38 should be aware / fix it.


I’ve updated the size field in the file to now be “1332527”.

Hopefully this resolves the issue with the Arduino CLI.
