Basic Game State Tutorial

This Spring 2021 semester, I am teaching a course on Designing Emerging Systems for Play at NYU. The class is a great group of undergraduates at NYU, taking this course as an elective outside of their majors. This means that the class is a mix of different ranges of coding proficiency, the class does not require any exposure or experience with code prior.

As we progress through the semester, I am putting together resources that are helpful for the class and I hope to be helpful for the Blinks community as well. Iā€™d love your feedback on these materials, here is a video I created after an office hours session that felt like a nice place to start with a one-button Blinks game.

   Game State Demonstration
   by Jonathan Bobrow

   Tutorial to show how to create game states
   Change game states
   Use timers, enums

// states for game play
enum Mode {
  INSERT_COIN,  // = 0
  GAMEPLAY,     // = 1
  END,          // = 2
  NUM_MODES     // = 3

byte mode;

Timer gameTimer;
#define GAME_DURATION 10000 // 10 seconds duration

// create a game character
byte distance = 0;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  mode = INSERT_COIN;

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

  switch ( mode ) {

    case INSERT_COIN:

    case GAMEPLAY:

    case END:

   Idle Loop
   Do this when the game is not actively being played
void idleLoop() {
  // do stuff related to the insert coin mode

  // handle user interaction
  if ( buttonDoubleClicked() ) {
    // start the game if double clicked
    mode = GAMEPLAY;
    distance = 0;
    // set the duration for the game timer
    gameTimer.set( GAME_DURATION );

   Gameplay Loop
   Handle all in game logic here, not end game though
void gameLoop() {
  // do stuff related to the gameplay mode
  // if the user presses the button, move 1 distance
  if(buttonPressed()) {
    distance = distance + 1;

  // show our current position on one of the 6 faces
  byte facePosition = distance % 6; // 0 - 5
  setColorOnFace( WHITE, facePosition);

  // if the game time is up, let's go to the end mode
  if (gameTimer.isExpired()) {
    mode = END;

  // ignore double clicks
  if(buttonDoubleClicked()) {
    // do nothing

   End Loop
   Show the end result of the game
void endLoop() {
  // do stuff related to the end mode
  // handle button presses
  if(buttonDoubleClicked()) {
    mode = INSERT_COIN;

  // display how far the player got
  // for every 10 distance, light up a face
  for( byte i=0; i<6; i++) {  // i will loop through 0-5
   if(distance / 10 > i) {  // every 10 steps we light up another face
    setColorOnFace(RED, i); 

Source Code


It can be a nice game to add to my Fidget Blink concept! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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