Lots of small refinement and details to the latest BlinkOS update, but most importantly, we’ve added 10 games to the Examples so you can test the Blinks launch title games before they officially ship on production Blinks hardware.
When you’ve had a chance to download and install the latest BlinkOS on your tiles, post here to let us know which games you’ve tried, how they are working.
A small fix to v0.9.4 has been pulled into the dev branch. This is not show stopping and I will wait to make another release until it has been tested for some more hours, but if you are on the latest, it worth checking out the latest from dev, it makes sure that Speed Racer, our latest game in development will function properly after game transmission.
Updated to v.0.9.6-beta. Latest BlinkOS includes 12 games in Gold Master. Instructions will be posted for all games this week in a Kickstarter Developer Update.
Updated to v1.0.0-GM. Latest BlinkOS includes 12 games in Gold Master. Instructions for the games can be found here( Core Set, Expansion).
A couple of release notes. Fine tuning of some games (Flic Flop & Speed Racer). Battery warning only when batteries are severely low. IR Communications robust for even subpar hardware tolerances.
Note: This should install once on all Blinks and then be good to go for game transmission. No need to continye to reprogram all Blinks, just one and transmit