Bringing existing Boardgames to Blinks

Hello there everyone,

I have an important question which i have not seen answered. I am a boardgame enthusiast and I own a couple hundred. Of course my first thought was, which of these could be ported to Blinks.

I already have some ideas on what I want to adapt and im already working on a draft for one.

Now my question is what about copyright and thinks like that. How much do we have to change from the core mechanic so we (or I) don’t get in to trouble with publishers? Of course the game will have some minor changes to be able to be played with blinks, but from my point of view it will definitely be recognized by gamers who know the existing board game.

I cant wait to share my draft soon :slight_smile:

Cheers from Germany


Welcome to the forum @Drakurius! Unfortunately I don’t have an answer to your question, but it is one that I’ve definitely had myself. Hopefully someone from the Move38 team will weigh in so that we can get some more clarity because I do think that there are a wide range of existing games and mechanics that would port over well to the blinks platform. That being said, I’m definitely looking forward to seeing what you come up with!


Hi Jonas,

We’d love to port existing games to Blinks and there is obviously a huge amount of games out there to draw inspiration from. The easiest translations are classic abstract games but with a little creative thinking many types of games can be translated. There’s definitely been requests for Catan, Hive, and many others.

Making a translation of an existing game shouldn’t draw the ire of a games publisher but we’d have to proceed carefully if we were to officially publish it. Generally speaking, game mechanics cannot be copywritten but specific rules language and things like Titles can be owned. I bet there’s a really good thread on this on the Board Game Geek forum on best practices.


This thread seems useful on the topic. Obviously these laws are different in different countries.


Thanks for the input. I will just code the game (as soon as my new devkit comes) then we’ll see how much fun it is on Blinks and I guess we and with that I mean you (move38) will decide what to do with it haha :wink:

Cheers from Germany

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