Free Blinks programmer case 3D Print files

Some of our developer kits shipped with a little 3D printed enclosure to keep your USB programmer a little more safe in places with spilled water and the like, but we stopped producing them when we took our office remote due to COVID-19.

The Dev Kits we ship are just as functional without these cases but if you are interested in printing your own or having a friend print one for you, the files can be found on Thingiverse here:

Feel free to download it, print it, remix it. There are a bunch of other tools and jigs we have used in the office for various applications so we can share more of those and I would love to see some community designed tools, maybe even one that can make programming Blinks a hands-free operation?!? :slight_smile:


Is there a similar case for the serial adapter board?

If there is not, just tell me the sizes and I can do something for everybody :upside_down_face:


Not yet! This one has a fun form to fit as well :slight_smile: I think the case should include the adapter and the FTDI board.

Speaking of 3D printing… I (finally?) wrote up an idea I had about a year ago to make prototyping blinks games even faster (and more analog). It’s essentially a little tray (about the size of a blink, but not exactly the same size) with indented holes for 1 cm cubes (the kind commonly used for board game prototyping). You can read about it on my blog:

Probably not usable for all kinds of blinks games, but some of 'em.


Awesome @martin !

Can I remix the file? I just had a cool idea :grin:

Of course! (I’d love to hear about your ideas when you’re ready to share 'em!)

Very nice, @martin! If I ever get my students to take a crack at designing Blinks games, these will be perfect for prototyping. Thanks for sharing!

@martin I’m testing and printing some 3D models that are pretty interesting :upside_down_face:

I will have soon the results and will share some models for everyone :grinning:

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I known I’m resurrecting an old thread but that’s truly a great idea!

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