Hexenwood Not Installing

When I try to install Hexenwood, it gives me errors about needing ‘hexxagon-config.h’ and a custom blinklib, but I have no idea how to install/find either of these things. I was really looking forward to playing Hexenwood because I finally have enough blinks, does anyone know how to fix this?

Hi @RintaDev,

Here’s a link to @BGA’s Custom BlinkLib

There are instructions for installing it at the bottom of the release notes. I believe Hexenwood and Hexenwood AI are the only published games at this point that use the library, but you can also find others here in the forum that are using the custom lib. We love what the custom library is capable of. Let us know if you have any trouble getting it up and running.

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Thank you this helped, I got it all up and running well! No idea how I didn’t see that!

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Glad it worked for you. In any case, I have a simple installer for the game and AI:

https://www.bug-br.org.br/hexenwood-installer-darwin-amd64.zip (MacOS)
https://www.bug-br.org.br/hexenwood-installer-linux-amd64.zip (Linux)
https://www.bug-br.org.br/hexenwood-installer-windows-amd64.zip (Windows)

Just extract the zip file and run the executable inside it in a terminal/console window.

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Couldn’t get the AI to install, this works ty