I am now working on the associated material for this game. Here is my first attempt at an introduction story:
In a distant future in a different planet where overpopulation is the biggest problem an entire civilization is facing, land became the most valuable resource (specially fertile land) and having access to it is a matter of life or death.
Nations defend their land with all they got but the need for expansion is pressing all of them and a major worldwide war was about to become inevitable when a major earthquake hit in the middle of a major ocean and this caused underwater volcanoes to erupt and form a huge new mass of land.
This was just too tempting and certainly beat the prospect of having to fight other nations at your border. Armies were sent to take hold of the new land and the inevitable worldwide war was now, at least for the moment, happening on a remote land in the middle of nowhere.
You are tasked with being the main strategist for your nation in this effort. As such, you will be controlling the most advanced battle equipment ever devised, capable of not only fighting enemy armies but also being able to terraform and defend any conquered land and replicate itself to continue expansion.
Even with this advanced equipment, your task will not be easy. At every turn you will have to make difficult decisions.
Any suggestions are welcome.