New game: Hexxagon

This has been done and definitely looks nicer. Thanks for the suggestion.

I also went ahead and disabled the pulse animation when the move is being confirmed. This removes some animation jank and, in my opinion, looks better.

98% storage use.

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This has been updated with the latest version. Turn passing was broken and is now fixed. To fix it I had to redo several things and fix a nasty bug.

The new version also contains tweaks to the pulse animation (they should not be all over the place anymore) and to stop the pulse animation when the player move is being confirmed (removes some animation jank).


Hexxagon being played with 58 Blinks!


This has been updated to the latest version. I mostly tweaked the colors (More specifically the brightness) and changed the move indicator to be a pulsing orange instead of a full-brightness orange. This has the added benefit of, during gameplay, standardizing the “anything that pulses can be clicked” rule.

Want to try the self installer version to update my Hexxagon Blink.

Can you provide more info on how to use the two files that are inside the zip? (i’m on windows)

Edit: And how can you skip turn?

Try this:

It is a zipped Windows excutable. Unzip it and run it (preferably from a CMD.EXE shell to be able to see any error messages). Let me know if it works.

The programmer must be connected and ready to go, of course.

I just fixed a bug in the installer and updated Hexxagon to the latest version. If you already tried it, try again (it might even work this time :slight_smile: ).

Hey there! Managed to install it with commands in CMD.

Just one question, you said:

I tried it and the pulses are random, i don’t know if is not working or i dont have the final version :expressionless:

I can have the pulses on sync at the begining, but on the second move al the pulses are not sincronized, maybe you should reset the timer on every move? :thinking:

The skip turn is working perfectly, good adition.!

It should be. Any chance you can share a video? But you might not have the latest version. To be sure, try downloading this (auto-generated by github):

The timer is reset whenever there is a state change, so what is suggest is what should be happening. :slight_smile:

Thanks. And thanks for testing.

The stickers look great! I printed out a couple.


Awesome! :grinning:

Looks pretty cool printed!


I know this is in reply to your message from over 4 months ago, but I had some ideas, so I thought I’d list them here. Each should be considered by itself, I’m not really giving consideration to whether they would work in combination.

  • First (most obvious) thought would be just to allow moving one of the blinks owned by you on your turn (instead of a regular “move”). I think to make it interesting, you should be allowed to move it anywhere as long as it attaches to the board, but if you move it more than 2 spaces away, there is no subsequent takeover of other pieces. If you move it one or two spaces away, you take over all adjacent opponent blinks as usual. If you move it only one space, you not only take-over opponent spaces, but you can also choose an adjacent empty space to take over after its move as well.
  • Instead of taking a normal move, you may reshape the board by splitting it into two groups and then put them back together again in a different configuration (without re-arranging either of them). Though I can imagine a scenario where this would be powerful, I’m not sure if this would ever be more useful than a normal move.
  • Maybe you have to move a blink on your turn. This forced move can be one of your own pieces or an empty piece. Then take a normal turn after. This would ensure the board is constantly changing.

I like this last idea, because you (probably?) don’t even have to change any code to try it out!

  • Finally, I thought for a minute or two about how you could change this game to make it “a video game” (as in, not a turn-based game you could just play with go stones on a hex grid). I think the “easy” ways to make this transformation is to add real-time elements, or something that happens on a timer. So: what if it’s a game where both players take simultaneous turns… maybe you get 5 seconds to take your turn. (All the empty blinks could show the timer by fading from bright to completely dim in the neutral color.) You would need to work out what to do when players move next to each other on the same turn. (I only thought for a few minutes, remember!) :wink: