New Game: Texas 3 Step

Here is my second game idea. I finished making the file for the project, so I’ll post it here for feedback. I’m not sure when I’ll have a playable prototype as I’m still working on Red January.


A modern twist to the classic game of tic-tac-toe for Move38’s Blink arduino based platform


Recommended a minimum number of 9 Blinks to play, but better with 16 or more.


Blink Layout

If you are playing with just 9 Blinks, it is recommended to set them up similar to a tic-tac-toe grid
for your first couple of games:


&nbsp O O O

&nbsp &nbsp O O O

If you have more than 9 Blinks, be creative. Just keep in mind the goal of the game is for a player to
claim three Blinks in a row, so a layout with minimal 3 in a row possibilities might not be much fun.

How To Play


Players alternate claiming Blinks. You should see each Blink on the board give an indication when you
claim a Blink. Be the first player to claim three Blinks in a straight line to win.

Start Game - Random Color

  • Player 1 single clicks any Blink to claim it.
  • Player 2 single clicks any Blink to claim it.
  • Continue alternating back and forth single clicking a blank blink to claim it

Start Game - Choose Your Color

  • Player 1 LONG clicks a blink to claim it.
  • Player 1 can then single click that same blink to change the color
  • Player 1 then LONG clicks again once their preferred color is showing
  • Player 2 LONG clicks a blink to claim it.
  • Player 2 can then single click that same blink to change the color
  • Player 2 then LONG clicks again once their preferred color is showing
  • Player 1 single clicks any unclaimed Blink to claim it.
  • Player 2 single clicks any unclaimed Blink to claim it.
  • Continue alternating back and forth single clicking a blank blink to claim it


  • The game ends when a player claims 3 hexes in a straight line, they are the WINNER!
  • There are no more Blinks to claim and no one has achieved victory
  • Player agree it is a draw as neither player has the possibility to make a 3 in a row
    even though there are still unclaimed Blinks left
  • LONG press any Blink to reset the board and start again

Developer Notes

Datagram structures

During Game
A B C D E F Description
Initial state or reset to initial state
X Game over
X You are one of the winning Blinks!
X Player 1 has made a move
X Player 2 has made a move
X Player 1 has claimed this Blink
X Player 2 has claimed this Blink
A B C D E F Description
X X X X X Setup - Player 1 Color Value
X X X X X Setup - Player 2 Color Value
Breakdown of Player Color Setup Bytes and Bits
A B C D E F Description
X X X Player Color Setup - Color 0-7 Bits
X Player Color Setup - Flag Bit
X Player Color Setup - Player 1 Color Config Flag
X Player Color Setup - Player 2 Color Config Flag


  • Explorer options to minimize player 1 advantage and mitigate player 1 tic tac toe cheese moves
    which are even easier to do with hexes than squares
  • Implement selectable 3, 4, or more in a row options. Would require a change to my envisioned
    win detection algorithm. Would probably force a change in datagram structure and the way Blinks
    communicate with one another.
  • If the above gets implemented, could even explorer options to just be consecutive blinks instead
    of the straight line requirement. Might not be feasible and make the game too “silly”