Came across a problem where I wanted my Blinks to send multiple values but could not. After a little push in the right direction from Jonathan, I made this sketch in an hour and thought it would be useful to those coming across the same problem.
This code will make every Blink switch between two colors. When a Blink is triple clicked, it will receive the 2 colors a neighboring Blink is using and switch between those colors.
//Timer that controls when the blinks will switch colors
Timer blinkTimer;
//When this becomes true/false, it changes which color value it needs
bool switchColor;
//These are the values that will be associated with specific colors
byte colorVal1;
byte colorVal2;
//Depending on the colorVals, these colors will change in loop()
Color color1;
Color color2;
void setup() {
//Set the blinkTimer and set the first and second colors to RED and Blue so we know it's switching colors at first
colorVal1 = 0;
colorVal2 = 1;
void loop() {
//If colorVal1 = x then the first color is *color*
switch (colorVal1) {
case 0: color1 = RED; break;
case 1: color1 = BLUE; break;
case 2: color1 = GREEN; break;
//If colorVal2 = x then the second color is *color*
switch (colorVal2) {
case 0: color2 = RED; break;
case 1: color2 = BLUE; break;
case 2: color2 = GREEN; break;
//When the button is pressed once, add 1 to colorVal1 and change the first color
if (buttonSingleClicked()) {
colorVal1 += 1;
//When colorVal1 becomes greater than 2, go back to 0 so it loops between the colors
if (colorVal1 > 2) {
colorVal1 = 0;
//When the button is double clicked, add 1 to colorval2 and change the second color
if (buttonDoubleClicked()) {
colorVal2 += 1;
if (colorVal2 > 2) {
colorVal2 = 0;
//When the blinkTimer expires, see if switch color is true/false and make it the opposite to alternate between the first and second color.
//Then set the blinkTimer to 500ms again.
if (blinkTimer.isExpired()) {
if (!switchColor) {
switchColor = true;
} else if (switchColor) {
switchColor = false;
//When the switchColor is not true, show the 1st color. If switchColor is false, show the second color.
if (!switchColor) {
} else if (switchColor) {
We will send both the first and second colors to other neighboring Blinks by making the two values just one.
byte data = (colorVal1 * 10) + colorVal2;
So in this code we will be making colorVal1 the tens digit and the colorVal2 the singles digit
EXAMPLE: Color1 = BLUE & Color2 = GREEN
colorVal1 = 1 for BLUE & colorVal2 = 2 for GREEN
(1 * 10) + 2 = 12 <-- This is the single value we will send to other Blinks
When another Blink receives this data, it needs to dissect this data back to the original values
colorVal2 = 12 % 10 = 2
colorVal1 = (12 - (12 % 10 = 2)) / 10 = 1
if (!isValueReceivedOnFaceExpired(f)) {
//get the single color value from a neighboring Blink
byte receivedData = getLastValueReceivedOnFace(f);
if (buttonMultiClicked()) {
//When the Blink is triple clicked, dissect the single value and assign those values to colorVal1 & colorVal2
if (buttonClickCount() == 3) {
colorVal2 = receivedData % 10;
colorVal1 = (receivedData - (receivedData % 10)) / 10;
//Take your colorVals and make them a single value
byte data = (colorVal1 * 10) + colorVal2;
//Send the color data