What code ships with Blinks? Mortals?

Hey @gpvillamil,

Great question. @Qeyleb is correct that your developer kits got a special sketch from us here that demos different capabilities of the Blinks with single click, double click, long press and it is our Dev Kit Demo :slight_smile: People like it so much we are thinking of including it with one of the sets. (Name pending is “Zenflow” what do you think?)

For the commercial Blinks sets, 4 of the 6 initial set have been anounced as: Mortals, Fracture, Berry, Bomb Brigade and we will reveal #5 and #6, which we have been play testing internally quite heavily. Additionally, we are working on #7-12 to go on the social packs, and think those games (and game accessories… more on that when we reveal) are equally exciting. You can probably get a good idea of each of the games coming together by checking out the games in progress thread. :wink:

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